Monday, June 28, 2010

A Writer’s Recovery

An article from titled “the writer who could not read” attracted my attention. A Canadian writer woke up one morning and could not understand the words on his newspaper. It was later learned, he had suffered a stroke that disabled a part of his brain. The article went into detail explaining how he relearned to use another part of his brain to take the read and write. Although part of his brain is still damaged he can carry on a normal life.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Boeing 787

An article caught my interest this week about a new Boeing airplane. The article is found at wired .com. This was a new test airplane that was struck by lighting which showed no damage. I have always believed that anything that was not grounded would not receive a lighting strike. The plane being struck makes me think maybe it is not a good idea to fly in bad weather. I have also believed that rubber acts as insulators like wheels on a car to protect it during a storm, but I could be wrong.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Job Careers

In todays world, many people have been layed off from their jobs. Now they are seeking new ones. I came across this article on titled” 5 high paying low stress jobs”. This could be of interest to those who are undecided about what type of work they want to do. I’m a person who does not like to be stressed , but I have already chosen my line of study. The list included a computer software engineer, a civil engineer, a massage therapist, a physical therapist, and a technical writer. Most of these jobs range in pay from $45,000 up to $130,000 per year.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Technology Performed on Digital Recordings

I would like to comment on an article from titled “met lab claims biggest breakthrough since Watergate”. This was about a new digital forensics tool that can be used to tell if recordings both audio and video are authentic. It took months to check the Watergate tapes to prove there were gaps in them. With this new technology the same test can be done in 10 to 12 minutes. If authenticate a recording could be used as evidence in court. This technology has been made possible by the move to digital recording. We should be aware that this technology can also invade our privacy.