I remember in movies where there were two officers question a suspect, one was a good cop and the other pretended to be a bad cop. The bad cop was harsh and used force to make the person fear him. Today on the streets many cops use force, while trying to pretend to be good. I respect the officers of the law because without laws the world would be much more violent. People get angry and frustrated even police officers but they can use their position of power to release their anger. I truly hope there are only a few bad apples in law enforcement. In February of 2010 a North Caroline officer was shot while tries to serve a warrant. The Rock Hill man that shot the cop could have killed but instead the officer only wounded the man. The Rock Hill man faces new charges along with drug related charges which the warrant was for. This officer kept his job ahead of wanting to harm others. In Hemet, California, a city south of L.A. the police have been dealing with a motorcycle gang. The police have cut back the number of officers by a quarter leaving on 68 on duty. The size of the motorcycle gang numbers over 200. Members of the bike gang have tried to blow up the police station by piping a natural gas line into the building. An officer smelled gas before anyone was hurt. Then someone rigged a gun to shoot an office that opened or closed a fence around the station, the gun went off only missing an officer by inches. An explosive device was plant on an unmarked car but fell off. Hemet Police has set a reward of $200,000 for the arrest and conviction for those responsible. These officers continued to do their job while being cautious. There were also 4 trucks set on fire at Hemet City Hall which were used by city code enforcement. Now I would like to share a few examples of bad cops. There was a woman striped naked by several male officers while at least two female officers were standing by. The article said there was no proof that the woman was an assaulter and should not had been striped searched. Another aspect of this case is she was left naked for 6 hours. This case is going to trial but a lot of the crucial evidence is missing except the video. A 64 year old man was beaten by a group of officers during his arrest for being drunk. A video show the group punching and kicking the man several times. A college student , John McKenna, at the University of Maryland was filmed being by several officers. The Prince George County Park Police which ride horses attacked students after a basketball game with Duke in March. They arrested 28 students including the one that was beaten. The charge against the student that was filmed being beaten was dropped. This case also will go to court along with other charges from students who say they also were beaten As my final example I would to share about the street cops in L.A. joining a secret gang. The story started about one cop that had a gang related tattoo. This officer over the years moved up in rank now he holds a key position in the L.A. County Sheriff Dept. The officers that are asked to join this gang take a vow of secrecy. They can not share with anyone the things they see the other cops do. These cops get away with anything from blackmail, thief, dealing drugs or take them to kill innocent people. These bad cops talk their family and friends into joining the police force..< One of the high ranking officers wants to enter politics and has said he would remove the tattoo. The WFI editor was quoted as saying,” the attitudes that led to (the tattoo) being implanted can not be removed so easily.” He also said, “The criminal world is virtually a mirror image of the police state, both relying on violence for power.”
I want to share on an article from wired.com. called” Identity Thieves Filed for $4 million in Tax Refunds” These case took place from January 12005 to April 2008.. The reason this article was in the news is because there were at least men involved and only two were caught in 2008. Third man was a 43 year old man from Arizona. If a person with this knowledge could still do a lot of damage. I think the government should find a better way of checking tax returns because some of these claims were from dead people. The social numbers should be drop if someone dies.
Seagate, a computer hardware company, formulated an idea of preloading a small external hard drive with about 21 movies. The company negotiated a deal with Paramount for the movies. A pocket-size 500GB hard drive served their purpose with only 20GB of space required for these movies. The drawback, the company wants from $9.99 to $14.99 to unlock each movie using the Internet. I think the price should be lower. There are a lot of people who only watch a movie once, so this would be a waste of space or would not appeal to them. There was no price for the hard drive mentioned. This was from www.engadget .com.