Thursday, January 28, 2010

Small Helicopter

Discovery com/ military is a site dealing with new technology. . The latest is an unmanned small helicopter .Labeled MQ8D Fire scout. This helicopter is 6 feet long and 10 feet tall. It flies behind enemy lines or unsecured territory and land. It deploys a small robot that collects information. This helicopter is also call the eye in the sky because it does not need to go up very high. When I first read about this I thought of it like a toy, maybe it could prove itself useful. The cost could not equally that of larger helicopters and this could save lives if it were shot down. It would take a better shot to shoot down something that small ,The use of technology will open the doors for even greater inventions .which will help save soldiers lives .I think tax payer should know what their tax dollars are buying. This is the third thing I have seen and all are worth investing in.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Science And The Soldier

Science and the elite soldier is what I have chosen to write about. Lockheed Martin have developed something new for the military. It is called “exoskeleton. This is a back pack containing a battery and a hydraulic pump. A metal frame is shaped to from down the legs and under a soldier’s feet. The pump forces fluid to the knees where the frame bends exactly like a person. A soldier with one of these packs loaded to 175lbs, could do knee bends all day long. The full weight is placed on the frame so the soldier will have energy after a long hike. I think that the soldier can confront the enemy better and be more alert if he is not exhausted. This would allow a soldier to carry more than he normally could. The only two drawbacks I can see with this is if the battery should go dead, or the pump would malfunction while on a hike.

Military Technology

Military technology is the subject of this report. When it comes to guns, whether hand guns or rifles precision is what matters. The military has developed a group of firearms which do not shoot bullets but a laser. The guns still have the same weight, sounds, smell and recoil like the real gun. They can be used indoors to shoot at small targets. The targets make a 15 foot shot equal to about 300 meters. I found this interesting because they were talk saying the police would use these same training guns. I am all for advances in technology that may help save lives. The streets of most large cities are become war zones. Gangs will not stop even when the police have caught them .Unless the police shoot them. This way the cops can direct their shoot s more accurately. They may save the life of the criminal, or the person they are trying to arrest.